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About Healing Circles

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Visit Resources for more information on how you can start a circle, run a circle, and expand circles in your organization or group setting.

Healing Circles Hosuton support group.  Mental health, grief support, canccer, healthcare professional, self-care, self-discovery
What is a Healing Circle?

What is a Healing Circle?



What is a Healing Circle?

  • Healing Circles help us step out of ordinary time into a safe and accepting environment in which to explore our healing

  • With open minds, we work together to discover the best ways to remove obstacles to healing, alleviate suffering and deepen our capacity to heal

  • With open hearts, we access our own inner guidance to understand where the greatest healing – in body, emotions, mind and spirit – can occur


What to Expect at a Healing Circle

  • Introductions by the host, who convenes and guides the flow of a circle, and the guardian, who keeps an eye on the time and protects the agreements

  • A shared pledge of confidentiality

  • An explanation of the itinerary and the circle process

  • An invitation to share and learn

  • The opportunity to seek healing in community


Circle Participants Agree to:

  • Treat each other with kindness and respect.

  • Listen with compassion and curiosity.

  • Honor each other’s unique ways to healing and don’t presume to advise or fix or try to save each other

  • Hold all stories shared in the circle in confidence.

  • Trust that each of us has the guidance we need within us.

  • Rely on the power of silence to access that guidance


Healing Circles are groups of peers who support one another through deep listening and compassion. Circle participants abide by agreements, including agreements around confidentiality. The volunteers who host healing circles do not provide medical or psychotherapeutic advice or treatment. Participation in a healing circle does not replace the care provided by a qualified healthcare professional.

Meet the Directors

Meet the Team
Collaborating Organizations
Healting Circles Houston support gorup.  Mental health, frief and cancer support.  Healthcare professional.  Self-care, self-discovery, life change


About Global

Healing Circles Global

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